Monday, April 10, 2006

Aaron Neville's Secret Ninjas

“I can be your muse !”, squealed the PMB with delight.

We’d been discussing the blog as I’d finally owned up to posting the stuff I’ve been noodling away writing for the last few weeks. This was mostly due to the fact that I’d got a referring link from inside a Google mail, so someone must have thought the tosh I scribble down here worthy enough to pass onto someone else. That or he/she was an English teacher demonstrating how not to write. Either way, in some strange sad way this excited me and we got talking about it.

“You see”, she said, “people obviously want to read about the PMB ! I can give you ideas”. Tragically she missed the notion that after 6 years of marriage I already have enough material for two screenplays and a small novel.

Now I love humour that’s a little abstract and surreal, but that’s what happens when you grow up on Monty Python, The Goodies and other such stuff. For example, I think that the following is one of the funniest things in the world. Ever. Ever volume 2.

“Whilst pondering his excessive flatulence Mr Grimsby was delighted to find his new girlfriend had no sense of smell.”

No idea why I like it so much. I like the “flowery” language, I like the rhythm, I like the concept of it and, of course, farts are funny. But still, added together it’s more than the sum of it’s parts somehow and it makes me chuckle. The PMB though is just light years beyond this.

PMB : “I can give you my ideas when I come out of the bathroom, that’s where I always get my good ideas !”
Pete : “Keep talking dear, it’s just writing itself right. In fact, just talk into a tape recorder now so I can transcribe it later”
PMB : “What was I talking about at work last week ? Oh yes, in a fight between Mr Miyagi and Aaron Neville, who would kick the other’s arse ?”
Pete : “Mr Miyagi, obviously.”
PMB : “But what if Aaron Neville has secret ninjas living inside his mole ?!”

At this point a number of my brain cells lost the will to live and jumped head first into the path of a passing synapse. Disoriented and bewildered, I decided it was time to retire.

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